Post by saffy on Jun 4, 2008 8:56:06 GMT -5
Like I said, you are a special person to have this job. Thanks for being there for the kids. Parents need to understand, teachers are helpful but the basic teacher lies on their shoulders.
Post by Anamere on Jun 4, 2008 9:16:57 GMT -5
Yanno prior to working for the schools this past year. (And being in a 4th grade class room the full year )I had NO idea how much Teachers really DO do. I have walked away with the knowledge that they totally don't get paid enough.
Teachers are Saints! You're a Saint Karen for all that you do. And if you don't have parents or students say it enough THANK YOU! For all that you do.
Post by saffy on Jun 4, 2008 14:21:29 GMT -5
What I said goes out to all teachers. You too Elaine, you are special too for being there and doing what you do.
I agree with you and have always said, teachers don't get paid enough. They are one of the biggest influences on the future of this country and what is that worth?
Post by reikienergyheals on Jun 4, 2008 20:25:04 GMT -5
Wow I am crying...thank you for saying that. And thank you on behalf of all teachers. There are some great days, though...for example, I'm taking the kids bowling next Thursday! LOL
Post by saffy on Jun 5, 2008 17:24:14 GMT -5
Bowling...wow. Here we unibrain again. This weekend is Sara's birthday and we are having her party at the bowling alley. Haven't been in over, well, a long long time.
Post by reikienergyheals on Jun 5, 2008 20:15:11 GMT -5
I was talking to a friend today. He's a lawyer. He used to teach. He said he loves teaching but hates the day to day drama, stress, and B.S. I just laughed and said yeah I understand but I am lucky that I finally found a situation where the goods outweigh the bads tenfold.
Post by nathangela on Jun 8, 2008 20:11:23 GMT -5
We honestly believe that teachers should be paid what pro athletes make and vice versa.The system is backwards. I've already talked to Anamere about this so I'll ask another teacher from a different state what you think.We have been very disappointed with the school system we are in-this is why we are moving.My middle daughter has 2 LD's and since she is not a "behavioral problem" they say they cannot do anything for her-other than sticking her in a slow class-which doesn't help her at all.I've been fighting them for 6 years.....it's frustrating.I took my daughter to 2 specialist(in a 2 year span-kept it current) who both agreed that she had 2 LD's (CAPD and a language processing disorder)and was fuinctioning at a 3rd grade level.The school would not except the testing and did their own and concluded that she was fine.We were actually accused of "paying" the specialist to say our daughter had an LD? ?(the psychiatrist from the school said this)Like we would actually WANT this for our daughter.The teachers' hands were tied.....They sat in the meetings-you could tell they didn't agree with what was being done to her-but they have to work-just like all of us-it's not their fault at all.Also we just found out from her ortho that she needs speech therapy---which is very interesting because the school said she didn't need this either.The ortho was shocked that they hadn't caught it.She starts therapy this summer.I'm hoping that we can get her help and caught back up.She was held back in first grade as well -this didn't help either.She's such a good kid......very frustrated and emotional-very disappointed too.Any ideas?How is it in other states?I feel as if we have exhausted almost everything---but I won't quit fighting for her. I strongly agree that teachers should be paid A LOT more........hopefully that will happen for you all one day.Thank you for teaching our kids. Angela
Post by reikienergyheals on Jun 8, 2008 21:57:09 GMT -5
I am so sorry you have to go through all of this, and I am more sorry that your daughter has to deal with it, too. It is so hard to advocate for a child when dealing in the system. As a teacher with five years experience, but it being my first year in my new district and school, I am learning the ins and outs of the place. I had a child come to me for math who I knew had an LD. I went through the appropriate channels and was turned away. Politics is everywhere. There are layers of reasons why people don't want to service children. Meanwhile, I continue to advocate and work around the system. I work with that kid in "unfunded" ways that I should not. But she's improved and is doing well and has so much more self confidence. I am not tooting my own horn, here. I am saying that I found a way AROUND the problem. I did what I had the power to do since I did not have the power to make people do their job. Unfortunate but true. It is not an easy job that I have. I love the kids and advocate for their needs, but politics and personal agendas seem to overshadow what is best for the children more often than not. And let's face it, having it overshadowed once is too many.
Before I read your complete post, my instinct was "she needs speech therapy" and then I read on. LOL She needs several things. I don't think a school can accept a private evaluation. What I learned about my student was that she is low but not low enough to qualify for services. I'm like "WHAT THE F***?!" Pardon my French, but it really is that frustrating.
My advice is to get an advocate. Someone legal to sort through your file, call for a meeting and testing and so forth. That usually puts a scare into "them". I know when I have had students with IEP's and the parents brought the lawyer or the advocate, the administration accommodated their needs. Have you also gone to the head of special education? The squeaky wheel gets the grease. I don't usually advocate for that type of thing but in extreme cases, it may be necessary. You may want to write a letter saying how much you've appreciated x,y and z but that you feel frustrated with x, y, and z and send it to the school and cc the higher ups. Let them know your needs and your intentions. After that, find a private way to meet your daughter's needs. Don't wait for the school because it's a big, heavy machine that takes forever to turn and change. So keep after them but get assistance for your daughter outside of school.
Hang in there and I will send reiki to you and your situation. I hope my advice helps you. Let me know how things turn out.
Post by saffy on Jun 9, 2008 10:36:35 GMT -5
I have to agree with Karen. A friend of mine is in a very similar situation. She spent half the school year trying to get attention for her son, but the school felt things were not necessary, or that it was something else.
She did have to get an attorney to have a mediation with the school. It was finally settled 3 weeks before school was going on summer vacation. She is now afraid she will have to do this next year too.
Hang in there and I'll send Reiki to you and your daughter and for a quick outcome for the best.
Post by nathangela on Jun 9, 2008 15:06:39 GMT -5
Great advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!We hesitated with an attorney here because we were worried it would make life more difficult for her and her 2 sisters.We were worried that they would be "labeled" due tio the fact thet their parents were a pain in the ass.They really don't like us there.We don't fit into the "mold" of this small town.Nathan and I usually get a stir everythere here from our appearace.We also don't go to church(we are in a major bible belt)and our girls have been outed for their beliefs and made fun of.They don't care and have thick skin.....it's just something else though for the comunity to draw on.Do ya know what I mean.We've had to tell them to not discuss their beliefs except only with those whom they trust.I'm going to look into theis whole attorney issue for the next school we're in.Start off with no B.S. if ya know what I mean.I realize school shave become "big business"........it's sad.I was a single mom up untill last year and the school corp. really thought I was one of those young dumb mothers who doesn't know I disagree from a hole in the ground.....and I've been a royal pain t othem.Nothing ugly.....just persistent.I know they knew I couldn't afford an attorney....but maybe I can find one who will work with me.I've heard about Learning RX(tutors for kids with LD's)anyone heard anything about them? Thanks again for being awesome teachers and caring!Thanks also for the advice....got me thinking. Has anyone ever noticed that healers and their families seem to be plagued with issues?LOL!!!!!
Posts: 34
Post by blue on Jul 29, 2008 11:05:10 GMT -5
Healers and their families plagued with issues? And some!!Lol! When my daughter was at junior school, she told the kids she was witch...even though I had made her promise me she wouldn't tell the other kids what we did at home becuase the school is full of strict Christian and Catholic families. But no, she just had to! lol! I ended up with one parent coming and talking to me about it and I explained that a witch is merely a female who works with the natural forces of nature and I do that :-) She didn't like it but ho hum lol! Another lady told me I was Evil! I laughed and said "Look at me...do I really look eveil to you?" and walked away laughing :-) I thought tolerance was taught in religions? My daughter has just finished senior school now but learnt to keep her mouth shut unless another girl held similar beliefs...bless her :-) My son sees spirit, even when he's at school but he has more awareness and waits until he comes home to talk with me about it :-)
Posts: 34
Post by blue on Jul 29, 2008 11:09:46 GMT -5
As for sharing pain...I get this on the emotional level from anyone that I open up to...sometimes I'm blown open if the emotion is raw! It's hard to feel anothers emotional pain a lot of the time but working as a healer, I see great worth in it, so I will never change that but I do have to meditate and self heal because when I didn't fully understand the impact on myself, and I didn't give myself the space and time to meditate, I developed stomache ulcers and was very unwell for a couple of years! Oooops! I learnt the hard way but I did learn :-)